Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Christmas Sweater and other Festival Fun

At the beginning of May in Japan there are four national holidays usually in the same week. Many people travel at this time of year, but since the boys are on the American school calendar they had classes that week. Terence, Xavier and I had a chance to spend some time at the local festival, just across the street from our apartment.

We really enjoyed the flea market where we got some great deals on toys and clothes for the boys, some dishes. Late in the day, this Christmas sweater was marked down to 100 yen (about $1.00), and I couldn't resist getting it. I figured with the trend of tacky Christmas parties (especially in Alabama), one of my friends would love to have this wonderful creation. You can't see it in the photo, but the label in the sweater says "I have a dream, in which 50% of the children of the future will wear I.N. Express by Nobuo Ikeda." I guess you don't want to dream too big. I wonder who's mother-in-law bought this sweater.

There were some other fun things at the festival. Terence got to take a quiz about city laws for dog ownership. The man who gave him the quiz made it very obvious which the correct answer was. Terence was awarded a small set of paints.

There was a unique mix of performances at the festival, ranging from choirs and classical Japanese dance to kids doing hip-hop dance. There was also a very good drum group. Willem and Tai were happy that they made it back home from school in time to hear them play.

Earthquake Update and Ministry Opportunity

Ever since the earthquake happened we have wondered about the best way we could help. We were able to send a care package to our friend who pastors a church in the area devastated by the earthquake. Their church has been doing a lot of relief work and reaching out to harder hit areas in the neighborhood. One day Christy was reading through some stories of how children's lives have been affected by the earthquake. She was also thinking about how when we were going through stressful times, like moving and packing, sometimes the boys got pushed to the side. We were so thankful when people helped us by doing something special for the boys.

Christy felt that one way to minister to the parents and children up north would be to provide a special event for the children. We contacted our pastor friend in Sendai and she liked the idea and wants us to come and do a VBS program for the children at their church as well as in two other towns that they are ministering in. Our family is looking at going in the middle of August. We will probably be there for about a week. We plan to stay at their church.

Now we are looking into gathering supplies from the US and working out transportation expenses. Some of you have asked how you can help after the earthquake. If you would like to help with this opportunity, please let us know.

We also appreciate your prayers as we prepare for this chance to minister to those affected by the earthquake.